Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jessica Simpson Laughs All the Way to the Bank

New York magazineBlonde bombshell Jessica Simpson shows off her radiant smile and right eye of Ra on this week's cover of New York magazine. Last month, the press announced that Jessica Simpson--the brand was worth $750 million and by the end of the year, would be worth $1 billion. Despite the press' non-stop attempts to humiliate Jessica, it seems she gets the last laugh. In this economy, any celebrity brand being worth $1 billion is impressive but the fact that a young woman who hasn't had a hit record in five years and whose last two films were straight to DVD is remarkable. Simpson's down to Earth, southern good girl charm has a lot to do with her success.Jessica Simpson in New York magazineAs the merciless press and bloggers were attacking her relationship choices and personal fashion sense, her fans were eating up her affordable shoes, handbags and clothing. You can read the entire New York magazine article here. Much of the items available under the Jessica Simpson line feature themes commonly associated with mind control, specifically Beta ('Sex Kitten') and Monarch programming.

Ruby slippers
Red shoes (ruby slippers) denoting Wizard of Oz programming.
Chains are also references to her slavery to the entertainment industry.

Ruby kitten slippers
Another pair of shoes, this one with Beta programming leopard print.
Colored ribbons are triggers. Mind control victims may see ribbons in their dreams or when they close their eyes.

Jessica Simpson shoes
Dehumanizing leopard print shoes.
Jessica Simpson
Jessica has been exploited since the beginning of her career at the start of the new millennium.
Jessica Simpson
More leopard print.
Jessica Simpson
She may be performing at chili cook-offs but she's making that money!
Jessica Simpson
She is wearing a blouse with a daisy pattern, flowers, specifically daisies are triggers for Monarch slaves.

Jessica and Daisy
Jessica's small dog was named Daisy and could also be part of her Oz programming.

Jessica and Daisy
Dogs are not accessories, ladies!
The A on her hat is for the Braves but the letter A is actually a sigil of the un-capped pyramid.

Jessica and Daisy
Toto programming is part of Oz programming.
Jessica and Daisy
Small dogs can be used to reward or further traumatize the victim.
Handlers/programmers will threaten the dog if displeased with victim.
Jessica is wearing black and white striped shirt, symbolic of dualism/duality of man/nature.
Black and white patterns are also symbolic of the diversity of creation under the Great Architect, Lucifer.
Daisy went missing...Daisy was never returned to Jessica. Apparently a coyote ate her.
More likely, the dog was killed, possibly in front of Jessica, as punishment or reinforcement of programming. Jessica also played Daisy Duke in 2005.

Jessica and EllenWhile not a daisy, there is a flower on the screen behind Jessica and Ellen--a handler.
Lindsay Lohan and Ellen
A butterfly, symbolizing Monarch programming is on the screen, when Lindsay Lohan is on Ellen's show.
According to reports, Lindsay and Jessica were once friends but after a series of arguments, they became enemies. Lindsay allegedly banned Jessica and her sister Ashlee from attending her 2005 MTV Movie Awards after party and the girls were turned away at the door. Lindsay used to date Ashlee's then-boyfriend and all around loser, Wilmer Valderrama. Then, the next year, Lindsay caused a scene at a restaurant where Jessica and film producer and handler Brett Ratner were having dinner, because Lindsay was reportedly dating Ratner.

Thire rivalry continued in 2008, when the Daily News reported that Lindsay laughed at Jessica's Esquire cover, where she recreated the famous 1965 Esquire cover depicting MK'd Marilyn Monroe look-alike Virna Lisi shaving. Lindsay of course, recreated Marilyn Monroe's famous "last sitting" photo session for New York magazine in 2008. Marilyn Monroe was the first Presidental model Monarch sex slave, which is why almost every young starlet is programmed to become infatuated with being like.

Twitter background pictureThis image of a vacantly staring Jessica with a butterfly in front of her forehead was once her Twitter background.
Jessica's Twitter profile
R.I.P. Daisy Simpson
A light blue dress with dissociating purple butterfly pattern from the Jessica Simpson fashion line.
Silver butterfly and dragonfly earrings available at Macy's.

Gold butterfly multiple chain charm bracelet. Chains could symbolize her slavery to the industry.
Silver butterfly necklaces.
A pink v-neck butterfly-sleeve blouse. Not sure if its part of her collection.
Goofy, Mickey, Jessica and DonaldGoofy, Mickey Mouse, Jessica and Donald Duck at Disneyland for the 24th Annual Christmas Parade in 2007.
They are all wearing black and white, symbolizing dualism once again. Goofy, Mickey and Donald are wearing Masonic Worshipful Master top hats, worn by Masons during rituals and ceremonies, you know, like a family fun event at Disneyland. Walt Disney was not only a Freemason, but he was also a pedophile.

Disney programming is very popular with mind control victims. Castles are also one of the many triggers and images victims see when they dream or close their eyes.
Jessica and babyLike her arch-nemesis Lindsay Lohan, black and white stripes appear to be triggers for Ms. Simpson.
Jessica w/ ex-husband Nick LacheyJessica was always the C-List poptart when compared to A-List Britney Spears and B-List Christina Aguilera. It wasn't until she married 98 Degrees' Nick Lachey, and had their life documented on MTV's reality show "Newlyweds" in 2003, that she became a pop culture sensation. She released her most successful album "In This Skin" in 2004 and had a number of endorsements and began her line of edible body lotions. She started her career, as the good girl, Christian singer but then her father, 'Papa' Joe Simpson decided she was more marketable as a popstar.

At one point, he even mentioned that it was because of his daughter's breasts, that she was more suited to be a popstar so he took advantage of that. Once a Baptist minister, now both Jessica and Ashlee's manager, he was asked about Jessica's new title as sex symbol. He told the press, "Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a t-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"

Victims of mind control programming, especially those exploited in the entertainment industry, are often physically and sexually abused by their handlers. Of course there is no evidence that Papa Joe is the one programming his daughter but it happens. Incest is one of the tools used against Monarch slaves. The bond between father and daughter is perverted with sex since the daughter already trust's her father. It allows her to trust her other handlers when they are programming her.
Jessica on Rolling Stone 11/2003"Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica" was a hit. Jessica posed for the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in November 2003 holding a mop (phallus symbol) wearing only underwear and fuchsia high heels, which are the ruby slippers once again denoting Oz programming.
A rose is a rose is a rose...Roses and flowers are also themes of programming.
This dark red feux-python handbag is part of her fashion accessory line. Red is the color of passion, lust, anger, guilt, sin and is often associated with blood or sex. In occult terms, red is the color of sacrifice and is one of the signature colors along with black and white. Pythons are of course snakes. Serpent worship goes back to ancient times and is often associated with the serpent, Lucifer, from the Judaic story of the Garden of Eden. The serpent convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. He told her that she would not die, as God had warned her she would. She ate the fruit, did not die immediately and then convinced Adam to eat from the fruit. In Masonry, the serpent is sacred because Lucifer is seen as the one who brought wisdom and enlightenment to man, which they believe God wanted to keep from us.

While I am glad Jessica has found success where her contemporaries haven't due to their lack of genuine charisma and approachability, based on the themes used throughout her career, I can only assume that the $1 billion empire she is the face of, actually belongs to someone else. The press has been really hard on her in the years after her divorce from Nick Lachey, even though she wasn't one of these wild, cocaine addicted skanks fighting with her in restaurants. I'm sure she will continue to be blessed with success so I wish her the best.


  1. Great article and I really love your site. It is unreal how out in the open things are becoming now...It almost seems they are trying to get the masses ready to accept this Luciferian agenda...Great job and please keep up the good work...I will spread the information on your site

  2. Thanks Deebo, I appreciate your kind words. You are absolutely right, the Luciferian agenda is in full force, more than anytime in history. The occult means "hidden" but everything is right in front of our eyes now. I used to think all of this conspiracy stuff was funny but the Luciferian idolators have programmed us to dismiss it all as crazy talk from even crazier people who watch too many movies.

  3. The only thing that didn't seem right was the A on the hat. Deff is not an A for the All Seeing Eye. It is an A for the Atlanta Braves, a BASEBALL team! That was the only thing that was just to much of a stretch for me. Everything else looked good though

  4. haha, I know it is for the Atlanta Braves. what I meant was that the letter A, itself is a sigil for the uncapped-pyramid, as the letter S is the sigil of the serpent and the $ is the sigil of Isis.

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